The TOMA & COE Blog

The Way of Saint James – El Camino de Santiago 

Camino Mozarabe Hand Drawn Map
A Jubilee Year or Holy Year occurs each year the feast day of Santiago or Saint James, 25th July, falls on a Sunday. This happens every 6, 5, 6 and 11 years sequentially. 2021 was officially an Año Santo, the first for 11 years, but due to the covid pandemic, Pope Francis extended the Holy Year until the end of 2022. We have a fresh opportunity to walk in an official Año Santo.
Pilgrims from all over the world flock to walk the Camino in a Holy Year as it only happens 14 times each century. La Puerta Santa or Holy Door is opened by the Bishop of Santiago de Compostela, anointed with oil and olive branches. As pilgrims pass through it they receive absolution from all sins. This tradition started in 1122 by Pope Calixto II.

We have been waiting 12 years for this moment. Traditionally, undertaking the CAMINO in Holy Years magnifies the blessing of becoming a pilgrim. It’s an exciting time to be walking together. For TOMA & COE, it adds a further historical and cultural element to our pilgrimage with increased expectation and excitement. It’s a privilege to be a part of a millennial tradition.

The French Route has reported a significant rise in pilgrims in the last Holy Years, so we are glad to be approaching the city from the south, along our beloved Camino Mozárabe. Even though it is one of the most ancient routes, the one the Mozárabe Christians used to travel on foot from the Islamic kingdom of Al Andaluz. For us, it represents a pilgrimage of tolerance, one that welded the faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam together through a sense of purpose of cultural appreciation. Walking the Camino in any year is a privilege. Walking the Camino in a Holy Year is an all encompassing experience.

As is customary in Spain, the celebration of fireworks and festivities occurs on the 24th July. TOMA & COE has secured an itinerary to coincide with these dates. We are beyond excited to partake in this incredible experience. The atmosphere in the city will be jubilant, to say the least! We are so excited to be able to join the throngs of pilgrims in the city and share with the the joy of walking, the joy of pilgrimage and the joy of the Camino de Santiago.
Find out more about Toma and Coe Pilgrimages in 2022.

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