Give me my scallop shell of quiet,
My staff of faith to walk upon,
My scrip of joy, immortal diet,
My bottle of salvation,
My gown of glory, hope’s true gage,
And thus I’ll take my pilgrimage
from The Passionate Man’s Pilgrimage. By Sir Walter Raleigh
With all this talk of mindfulness and pilgrimages, it’s easy to be swept along in a wave of scepticism when the offer of such an experience comes your way. It takes a great deal of trust to sign up to such a retreat, but we would like to encourage those interested to delve a little deeper and take the plunge to sign up to one of our Yoga Retreats along the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route.
Last year’s retreat was unanimously a positive experience for all those involved and all those who are able, are back this year to continue the trilogy and continue along the path to Santiago de Compostela on Part 2 of our adventure.
We took before and after photos of everyone who was part of that trip and I hope you agree that the proof is in the pudding. Without exception, the after photos show a more determined humanity and that sparkle in the eye that you can’t really describe; you simply have to let it happen.
When you decide to take up a pilgrimage, we believe that it is a life changing moment. Many people can’t even imagine how their lives might change course before a pilgrimage. Sometimes, the change is barely apparent to the outside world, it happens on the inside. For others, the change is more dramatic. A pilgrimage give you time to focus, to think, to be alone, to remember, to forget and to dream. In this ever moving world in which we live, often those are the first things that fly out of the window as we run through our busy lives. So, a pilgrimage is an active decision towards slowing the pace and allowing ones spirit to be calm and analyse in a controlled and peaceful fashion.
Both our tour leaders and our Yoga instructor Erin Fleming are skilful in creating spaces and moments for concerns to be identified and changes to happen. We wrap you up with professional organisation so all you have to worry about is walking, talking, reading, listening, speaking, eating and sleeping. That is a pilgrimage and we couldn’t be more excited about these new routes along the ancient paths to Santiago.
Before….and After….